new version

PHP Melody v2.5 – Introducing The Nicest Update of The Year

November 12th, 2015 filled under “Announcements, Development, From our Desk

Today we’re thrilled to share with you the results of the work we’ve put into PHP Melody over the past couple of months. This latest update adds a new layer of sophistication and optimization to your favorite Video CMS.

New Announcement: PHP Melody v2.3 Release Date

April 11th, 2015 filled under “Announcements, From our Desk

The next PHP Melody version is almost here. Highlights from the upcoming version include: new HTML5 video player (Video JS), subtitles support for all video players and video importing from DailyMotion and (this one is great). We’ve also been working on other cool features that are worth mentioning: DailyMotion Publisher program integration (earn money […]

PHP Melody v2.1 – The Last Update of 2013

December 12th, 2013 filled under “Announcements, From our Desk

Today we’re making available the last PHP Melody update for 2013. Version 2.1 has a little bit for everyone but most importantly it addresses some recent troubles that some of our customers has with their sites. Without further delay, here’s what PHP Melody version 2.1 has to offer.

